
The play is finished -- consummatum est!

Last night at 11:30 I emailed the script for Foul Play in Dapto off to the producer/director for one last look. Yes, the whole script is written. Done. Ready for the final brushing-away of the eraser crumbs (so to speak) and binding into rehearsal copies.

I'm sure we -- the kids, the director, me -- will all be heartily sick of it well before performance night. The jokes will sound increasingly lame each time they're rehashed and rehearsed. The blocking will become wooden, the dialogue rote. The music (which sounds absolutely fantastic) will become way, way too familiar and we'll all find ourselves humming it at odd moments and desperately flounder for another tune to give us a break. (Unfortunately, when I need to find a new tune to displace one that's haunting me, what I usually come up with is the theme to "Gilligan's Island".)

However, I'm trusting that it will all magically kindle once performance night comes around. ("How will it???" "I don't know. It's a mystery." -- Shakespeare in Love)


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