More play-related stuff
1. Houston has written the main thematic material for the incidental music he's composing for the murder play (current working title is Foul Play in Dapto, although I'm also considering The Fiend of Dapto). It's absolutely perfect, just the right atmosphere.
2. I handed Act II, Sc ii over to the kids this past weekend. That means I only have the last scene to write (albeit it's a major one), and any polishing that we discover needs doing during the workshopping process. So far they've been very kind....
3. I stumbled on an extremely helpful article on playwriting: click here to read it. I found it via the International Centre for Women Playwrights.
Thanks for the kind words aobut the music :-)
It's actually not that tough to write music for this one as it's got a very clear direction and very strong characterisitcs (and characters!). I've always felt that the play itself is a character - it needs to have the same inner tensile strength that the characters who live in it do. You should be able to sit down and interview it. This play has that, and that's the sort of thing that I write the music about - not the inner journey of the characters as such, but hthe inner journey of the play.
I'm not sure how else to put this at the moment, as I'm actually writing this while creating a CD from recordings of the August 13th Charisma concert where my "Postcards From America" was premiered. (what was that topic about doing things all at once?!?). Mayber when I have five or ten miuntes to think clearly with no interuption, Ill be able to explain it better, but I not sure I'll get to that point before Death kindly stops for me.
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