
Update on Clarion South: Good News, Bad News

The bad news is that I haven't actually been selected for Clarion South. BUT! I have not yet despaired. For this is what the selection committee wrote to me:

"...your work was judged to be of a very high standard and we believe
you would get a lot out of a workshop such as Clarion South. For that
reason, we would like to keep you as a 'reserve participant.'"

Which means that there's still a chance I might be able to go. People have to reserve their spots by September, so if any of them decide that their schedule or finances don't permit, I've still got a shot at it. I'm optimistic about that. And I'm especially thrilled that my work was judged to be of a very high standard. I keep saying it to myself: "Very high standard. Very high standard. Your work was judged to be of a very high standard." Hey, everyone, hey, guess what -- my work was judged to be of a very high standard!

External validation of the quality of one's writing is extremely hard to come by. So I'm ludicrously excited and heartened by this bit of encouragement.


At 7:40 AM, Blogger Chard said...

Somewhere I have an award I won in a technical writing competition. Sadly, it was for one of the worst things I thought I ever worked on.

I believe it was one of my best pieces in the same competition that got something like the "award of merit," which is basically the consolation prize behind all the actual award winners.

Which is not to denigrate external validation. In fact, if anything, it just reinforced to me that many of my peers in tech writing didn't know beans about it. And I suppose the Peter Principle comes into play with things like contests run by professional organizations.

Or maybe I'm just bitter. Nah, that couldn't be it!


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