
No Internet at home!

Aaack! Our landline at home has been non-functioning for a couple of days now, and we're too cheap to get broadband cable, so I've been unable to dash to the computer and check on this or that fact, or check my email at home, or entertain myself reading mugglenet.com or Doctor Who fan sites. The Internet is...like...water, or electricity. It's a utility without which home is a good deal less comfortable. And yet I'm old enough to remember when things were very different. (I even remember the days before Yahoo had its own domain name, and the number of web sites in the world was fewer than 10,000. Fewer than 5,000, actually.)

However, the computer itself still works, and I was up VERY late last night struggling to finish Act II Sc 1 of the play. I can't find its ending!! I added another minute and a half onto the scene, in an effort to force it to end. Once I look at last night's work in the glaring light of an Australian day, I may realise that that minute and a half was pathetic floundering. Or I may say, "Good work, Laura, that sure needed to be there." And yet...how to end it? I've been wrestling with this question all week. Maybe I'll be all post-modern and just have the actors walk offstage for no reason whatsoever.


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