I've invented a very tasty dish.
Allow one largeish potato per person, and about that same amount (by mass, not number of tuber items) of sweet potato.
Slice the white potatoes up in about half-inch (1cm) cubes and boil them until they're somewhat softer than they were at the start. Not too soft, or they'll be too mushy. (I don't bother peeling the white potatoes; it doesn't really matter either way.)
Peel the sweet potatoes (yes, this does matter) and cut them into half-inch (1cm) cubes.
Take a hunk of pepperoni (about a six-inch/12cm chunk of a one-inch/2cm-diameter pepperoni) and cut it into bits. I make them about a quarter-inch/4-5mm on a side.
Put everything in a bowl. Toss with a moderate drizzle of olive oil (just enough to coat things a bit), a very moderate amount of salt (the pepperoni will supply a fair bit on its own), and a very generous drizzle of honey. Mix it all up well, but don't be too vigorous or you'll smush the potatoes.
Roast in a hot oven (I used about 160C, and I don't have the energy to figure that out in F, but all my friends are geeks and know how to do that themselves) until the sweet potatoes are soft and things are starting to brown. (This could take anywhere from a half hour to an hour; sorry I can't be more precise.) I find that if I make sure a fair few pepperoni chunks are on top of the mixture, the lovely smokey flavor penetrates more through the spuds.
Heavens, it's tasty!
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