
The Salad of Success

That's the title of the 10-minute play I've just entered in the Sydney Short and Sweet play competition. It's based rather alarmingly closely on the evil boss and surreal work situation I mentioned a few posts ago (the one that Tyce and I suffered through together, although our friendship did result, so that's all right).

I'm surprisingly pleased with the play. As is customary for my stuff, it is NOT depressing, as I hate both reading and writing depressing stuff. (I'm too prone to melancholy as it is.)

I find out whether I've made the short list by mid-October. After that, apparently, the directors look at the short list to see which one they want to produce. Wouldn't that be cool....


At 9:32 AM, Blogger ntycer said...

I can't wait to read this, Laura...I want croutons with mine!


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