
Running out of Gauntlet options

"Degredado" is turning out to be not at all the story I though it would be. It's less weird, but perhaps more interesting. Maybe someday I'll manage to write a genuinely weird story.

The good news is, I will almost certainly have the three Gauntlet stories written before Christmas. The bad news is, I'm not sure I'll have them all polished to sendout level by midnight Tuesday. Still, that's four whole days (as we're only a few minutes into Saturday at the moment). Anything could happen in four days!

The cookies, by the way, turned out really, really well, and none the worse for being the diameter of the opening of a 32-ounce soda cup. I'm very glad I elected to bake only some of the cookie dough, though. The weather here in Wollongong is so hellishly humid (did you know Hell is a damp place?) that the cookies softened grotesquely within an hour of coming out of the oven. There is a cold front moving over us right this very minute, and there's a chance the air on the other side may be a bit drier. Which will mean the next dozen Megacookies may stay nice and fresh for slightly longer. (Thanks, Grandma, for showing me, all those years ago, that you can keep cookie dough in the fridge for a day or two before baking it — if your greedy family [here, Laura blushes for forty-year-old sins] quits pinching off hunks of it when you're not looking.)


At 8:25 AM, Blogger Houston Dunleavy said...

Right. Here and now let me categorically disavow ALL knowledge of cookie dough piracy. I don't like raw dough for ANY sort and will not a party to the theft, seizure, trading, swapping, downloading, re-fuelling, consuming, smuggling, illicit tasting, smoking, injecting or taxing-without-representation of any dough of the raw kind.

Raw dough = yuck

Cooked it's a different matter.Just DON'T get in my way! I've been know to fatally injure, or permanently cripple ancient crones who were just too slow to get theri walking frames out of the way.

(Did I just say that out loud?)

At 8:27 AM, Blogger Houston Dunleavy said...

OH, and I cant wait t read the stories :-)


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