Gauntlet update
Productivity had been fairly close to zero today: I'd written about 300 words on "Zork Goes Home" and that was it. Which is pretty embarrassing, as I do not have a paying job at the moment and should be churning out at least 2,000 words a day every day. But I could feel things rolling around in my brain, and suddenly the top of my head blew off and I found an entire societal context for what had happened so far in the story. This new context also solved a lot of my story problems and gave the story itself a sudden resonance that I'm really looking forward to playing with. Interestingly, there are also potential links with one of my favorites among my Clarion stories ("Bleeding Orange"). I think I'm onto a suite of related tales here. Which is kind of satisfying, artistically, even if none of them ever gets published.
I have State Emergency Service training tonight, which will limit the amount of time I have to push "Zork Goes Home" where it needs to go. Still, I should get a fair number of words written this afternoon, and tomorrow I have absolutely nothing scheduled at all. Absolutely nothing. I don't have to drive anyone anywhere, I don't have any appointments. I do have a bit of SES paperwork I need to get out of the way, but hopefully that won't take more than about an hour and a half. Aside from that, tomorrow is Quit Whingeing And Get The Word Count Under Control day.
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