
Gauntlet Story 2 — first draft complete!

It's 2 a.m., one of my favorite writing times (surpassed only by 4 a.m.). Houston sleeps sonorously next to me, and I've just finished the first draft of "Mertrude, Please," which may or may not end up with that title once I revise it. It's about 2,500 words, which is a tad shorter than I'd anticipated, but that's okay by me. It's also not as farcical as I'd originally thought it would be, although it has its slapstick moments, I suppose. I like writing farce, but it's not what my subconscious is leading me to at this exact moment in my life. I guess I'll go with that, as my subconscious has often been right before. (Example: Houston has read my NaNo opus, which was produced using something akin to automatic writing, and says he likes it better than my took-forever, been-revised-dozens-of-times first novel, The Associates.)

Gauntlet status: two stories drafted, third one begun, one week to go. Don't know if I'll get the third one written and all three polished for sendout, but, as I said before, I'm going to give it a red-hot go.


At 10:03 AM, Blogger Houston Dunleavy said...

We need to be aware of sponteneity in waht we do. NaNo seemed to be one of those "filters off" moments for you. We don't get them very often.

Sonorously? Whatever do you mean?

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Michelle O'Neil said...

Go, go, go!


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