
Day Fifteen: 28,729 and a slight slowdown

I'm slightly less far ahead than I was a day or two ago. I tell myself that's why I struggled so hard to get ahead, because of days like this when I just don't squeeze enough words out for one reason or another.

Really, I have no idea why I'm even writing this post. There have been no revolutionary goings-on in the last day or two about which I must, must, must update you, Faithful Reader. I'm rambling. I think this may be a side-effect of NaNo. Hopefully it will not be permanent.


At 4:43 AM, Blogger Rod said...

I'm surprised your blog posts aren't longer. By this point, I'd be finding anything I could to distract myself from the deadline. Of course I'd probably also be way behind schedule by this point.

Keep up the good work... you're halfway done.

At 10:13 AM, Blogger Laura E. Goodin said...

Thanks for the encouragement!


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