
Closing night for "The Salad of Success" and NaNoWriMo Day 10

My word count was a tad low today (I'm up to 18,621), in part because it was closing night for "The Salad of Success" (Wollongong production), so of course I wanted to be there and of course we hung around for a while at the closing party. So now it's really late and I'll just write a lot tomorrow. I'm still slightly ahead of the game even though I've had two not-enough-words days in a row. That's okay, that's why I wrote myself a buffer zone to begin with.

The party was a very nice time. Many, many people told me many, many nice things about my play, which can only be a good thing. The actors had fun doing it, and they did a good job. And the director overcame a lot of hurdles (including a cast member who just...quit between one weekend's performances and the next) to make the play come to life. Everyone at the party -- actors, crew, producers, directors, writers, friends -- was very positive and very cheerful. (And I have to say, even in my limited amount of interaction over the years with the world of theatre, I have already realized how rare this is.)

Overall, this production of "Salad" has been an extremely positive experience. I'm glad I was involved, I met some cool people, good theatre happened, and I learned a lot. What's not to like?


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