Day Seven: 14,203
I'm taking a break, having met my word goal for the day. I may write more on my NaNo piece later tonight, but I think I'd rather work on a story I'm hoping to have ready by the end of the month. I have some editing work presumably showing up this week as well, and if I can push all my projects along while keeping up with my NaNo goals and logging some billable hours, so much the better.
You'd be surprised at the vitriol there is out there on the Net regarding NaNoWriMo. Man, whatever happened to live and let live? A search on "nanowrimo wank" yields over 28,000 sites. "Nanowrimo stupid," over 885,000. Some actual examples:
The NaNoWriMo site is down.
This is a sign.
Even the pit of shit doesn’t want your book.
I can appreciate good writing. In fact, that's why I hate NaNoWriMo. It is full of the worst non-prose and utter dren the writing community has to offer. It is the Paris Hilton of the literary world; a trainwreck. A superficial, rushed, messy, diseased drunken trainwreck. And you know what, I bet the referenced Heiress could probably write better than most of the stuff I am exposed to during National Novel Writing Month.
I never heard of "dren" but I suppose it's like "dreck." Oh, I just looked it up; it's similar to "shit", apparently. Comes from a television show, or is "nerd" spelled backwards, depending on which source you consult.
Yes, the surreality of NaNoWriMo just keeps escalating.
who cares about what the world thinks? it is a noble goal to get that novel down on paper, probably more sensible than the 3 day novel race I've done (twice). Of course a lot of NaNoWriMo will turn out shit, these are first drafts after all :-) keep at it, and remember heaps of people believe in you and your amazing talent :-) naysayers begone!
- Jasoni
Thanks, mate *snif*.
"Dren" first came to my attention on an episode of "Happy Days". Richie's little ister, what's-her-name played by Erin Moran who also starred in "Daktari" (where do I store this crap?) said it to Potsy menaing that he was the OPPOSITE of a nerd.
Guess that's one for Kel Richards!
(On re-reading the first paragraph, I almost sound gay! Good thing Laura knows better!)
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