
Never a dull moment!

Yesterday I got back from Brisbane and the premier of "The Salad of Success". Today the Illawarra Performance Writers' Group did a cold reading of "Salad", which I found fascinating and very helpful. The readers played the characters very like the way I had originally imagined them, and I was pleased when the jokes all got a laugh (the restrained delivery was helpful for that -- again, much as I had been hearing the lines in my head as I wrote).

The critiques after the reading were very positive, which was encouraging. Oddly, though, I felt a bit let down that they hadn't torn the piece to bits á la Clarion. My Clarion buddies would have been more relentless. Today felt like bouncing on a cloud of cotton candy, whereas a Clarion crit is like being dragged across blacktop. Although the latter gives emotional roadrash, it provides more information for improving the piece. It also, I found out today, develops whopper-tough crit-calluses. Which is a good thing, probably.

My thanks to the IPWG for the reading!


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