All three Gauntlet stories drafted!
Yes, in a massive 1,300-word dash to the finish (it helped that the air got quite a bit cooler and drier after the second front in two days passed through), I finished the draft of "Degredado".
Tomorrow, I will revise! And revise and revise! And research markets! And, hopefully, send! (Or at least determine what market each will go to once the editors are back from Christmas break for example, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine doesn't get back until January 15, and since I have no control over that, I consider that having a story ready for sendout counts as fulfilling the requirements of the Gauntlet Challenge.)
Once I have either completed the Challenge or been smacked by the Gauntlet in semi-defeat at midnight on Christmas Eve, I can start on the many projects that have been waiting patiently: revisions to my first novel, progress on my second (particularly preparing the first 50 pages for submission to the Orbit contest, writing a radio play to submit to Australia's Richest Radio Play Competition, working on my full-length stage play, perhaps even writing a one-act to submit to The Manawatu (New Zealand) International One-Act Playwriting Competition 2008 and the Short+Sweet One Act Festival (plays that are 20-30 minutes long, instead of 10). If I really get cracking, I might even be able to submit something to the Shorter+Sweeter for Kids competition (10-minute plays for kids). Problem is, many of these have similar deadlines....
Well, you don't reach, you never grasp.
Rock on.
What kind of markets do you need. I seem to have a big ol' list of them floating around these days, seperated by genre and approximate wordcount.
If you have a moment to look at the stories once I polish them and post them at Gauntleteers, perhaps some suggestions for markets might come to mind. Thanks!
Well done!
If it's any hel, is Dapto market still running?
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