
All three Gauntlet stories — drafted!

Yes, in a massive 1,300-word dash to the finish (it helped that the air got quite a bit cooler and drier after the second front in two days passed through), I finished the draft of "Degredado".

Tomorrow, I will revise! And revise and revise! And research markets! And, hopefully, send! (Or at least determine what market each will go to once the editors are back from Christmas break — for example, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine doesn't get back until January 15, and since I have no control over that, I consider that having a story ready for sendout counts as fulfilling the requirements of the Gauntlet Challenge.)

Once I have either completed the Challenge or been smacked by the Gauntlet in semi-defeat at midnight on Christmas Eve, I can start on the many projects that have been waiting patiently: revisions to my first novel, progress on my second (particularly preparing the first 50 pages for submission to the Orbit contest, writing a radio play to submit to Australia's Richest Radio Play Competition, working on my full-length stage play, perhaps even writing a one-act to submit to The Manawatu (New Zealand) International One-Act Playwriting Competition 2008 and the Short+Sweet One Act Festival (plays that are 20-30 minutes long, instead of 10). If I really get cracking, I might even be able to submit something to the Shorter+Sweeter for Kids competition (10-minute plays for kids). Problem is, many of these have similar deadlines....

Well, you don't reach, you never grasp.


At 12:34 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Rock on.

What kind of markets do you need. I seem to have a big ol' list of them floating around these days, seperated by genre and approximate wordcount.

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Laura E. Goodin said...

If you have a moment to look at the stories once I polish them and post them at Gauntleteers, perhaps some suggestions for markets might come to mind. Thanks!

At 2:43 PM, Blogger Houston Dunleavy said...

Well done!

If it's any hel, is Dapto market still running?



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