
Day Twenty-Three: Keeping up

I'm keeping up with the word count. I'm not as far ahead of the minimum as I would have liked, but I'm still ahead. It's still very plausible that I'll make the 50,000 by the 30th, or even a day or two early. Current count: 43,806. Recommended (based on a daily average of 1,667): 38,341. Which is a nice margin.

I've let myself in for more madness: a few of my Clarion buddies decided to challenge each other: have three new stories completed, ready to send, by Christmas. I asked if I could play, too, and they reckoned that would be all right with them -- "the more, the merrier," wrote one. So: once NaNo is finished, I throw myself into that little adventure.

Speaking of adventures, I tested tonight for another belt at my karate school. It was fairly physically tough, but I got through. And I've got a new color belt (purple, which in this school equates to roughly what blue belt does in my DC school). A belt test at the Wollongong school always brings home to me very sharply indeed how badly I miss my DC school, and my teacher and friend, Sensei Carol Middleton. No matter how good the Wollongong school is, it's just not home.

In other news, tomorrow I go get the meat for the Big Smoke -- making barbecue for Sunday's Illawarra Festival of Southern Barbecue.

Oh! It is tomorrow! Maybe I should try and get some sleep.


At 5:07 AM, Blogger Michelle O'Neil said...


Nothing like it, anywhere else.


At 2:13 PM, Blogger Houston Dunleavy said...

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