
I'm getting old.

Margaret turns 12 in a few days. She has about a dozen friends over, boys and girls, and loud music. Pizza. Candy. The tray of fruit and vegetables is notable for its continuing pristine condition. There's also cake for later. And a Mr. Bean video. Excuse me, someone just turned the music up really loud.


At 12:45 PM, Blogger Rod said...

That's a fun age. They don't start seriously ignoring the parental units for a few years yet if my kids were any indication.

My oldest is excited because at 25 she's finally old enough to rent a car with no problems. Apparently that's the last hurdle in the road to adulthood.

At 5:40 AM, Blogger Chard said...

We're roughly halfway between kid birthdays here, but we're about to go to one of her best friends' birthday parties. Always a treat, because it happens right around Halloween, and the family is really into it. The extended family usually picks a theme for their costumes: The Wizard of Oz, the Addams Family, etc. Bounce house for the kids. Tequila for the adults. Haunted house for all.

Life is good.

At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my 3rd year undergradautes said today he mus be getting old. My 3rd years have been Artist-in-Residence at a local grade school, and he says he's getting old because the mothers of some of the kids are looknig good to him!



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