
Back in paid employment (for the moment)

I actually didn't think this would happen, but I'm back at a desk job for the next few weeks (my former boss at the coal-mining company asked me back to help with the documentation of a different project).

I'm ambivalent: it's really, really hard to focus and write well when you're tired from a day at work, where you're also trying to focus and write well. On the other hand, what with Margaret's high-school application fees, our upcoming trip to the States, the expenses of Clarion still clamoring for payment, our ever-more-urgent need (still, as yet, unfulfilled) for broadband -- the money is looking really good. So...I'm trying to put in full work weeks and write at night. When I was at Clarion I managed to do seven or eight hours of critting a day, do that editing gig, and write lots. So what's my problem now?

The Writing Demons are saying, "Remember Stephen King, who wrote on a manual typewriter on a board in the laundry room in the wee hours of the morning? You don't have it tough. You just can't hack it. You don't have what it takes to be a Real Writer."

I hate when the Writing Demons really hit their stride.


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