
Smacking the Writing Demons around

The Writing Demons have had the upper hand for the past few weeks, but I think I'm finally figuring out their weaknesses.

To the ones that say "Your writing isn't really improving while you're here; you're still making the same mistakes over and over," I now respond, "But the stories are harder. If I make the same mistakes, it's because I'm learning deeper answers to the same old questions that every writer wrestles with -- it's just that now the stories are bigger, stronger stories. Small stories, small mistakes. Big stories, big mistakes."

The ones that assail me with anxiety over the ways in which I differ from the other Clarionettes flee when I challenge them to describe to me a Real Writer.

The old, old schoolyard demons chanting that nobody likes me, everybody just tolerates me -- they're harder to defeat. But quite frequently a Clarionette will say or do something kind, and I'm reassured. (You don't beat all the demons on your own. Sometimes it's a team effort. I'm really hoping I've helped some people with their demons, too.)

Here's to big stories, real writers, and teamwork.

Incidental note to all grammar-weenies: Gardner Dozois has come out firmly on the side of the serial comma. I feel vindicated.


At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I like you.

And Dozois is wrong, I tell you, wroooooonnnnggggg

At 12:50 AM, Blogger Laura E. Goodin said...

Thanks, Lee. I like you too. And I like M&Ms, beer, and the serial comma. (When the Chicago Manual of Style and Gardner Dozois are in conjunction, who can stand against them?)


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