
The suspense is over!

"What," the masses murmur, "will Laura do for her five hundredth blog post?"

Not much, sadly.

However, if you wish to mentally augment this very plebian post by imagining me dancing with the Writing Daemons by moonlight, that's fine. Or perhaps you wish to use this opportunity to think, What would *I* do if this were *my* five hundredth blog post?, thereby engendering an occasion of creativity for yourself (we must take them where we find them, after all).

In short, this blog post is very nearly (although not quite) a blank slate upon which to project what you will. It's a slightly lumpy surface, but that could very well make your projection more interesting, if a bit...irregular.


At 10:33 AM, Blogger Michelle O'Neil said...

Go Obama!

Sorry, it is all I can come up with on this glorious day.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Dancing monkey elves on fire.

That's what this post needs.

At 5:44 PM, Blogger Laura E. Goodin said...

@Michelle -- truly a glorious day!
@Lee -- that's what *every* post needs.

At 1:27 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

1000 monkeys, typing for long enough, will produce the script for Hamlet.

1000 dancing monkey elves on fire will produce something like iuh4gt58oyqhibwvrebug42bunh3gru9h379guh24ti0n24g8h9gu4g2bug539huriug[oewnbgewUBGE2OIGB439UGB-]329FH49[B ** not to mention burning your house down....

** (or possibly the latest Matthew Reilly novel..)


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