Geek concentrated!

Today's geekiness takes just three words to summarize: Doctor Who Exhibition. It does, however, require many photos. Most will require little or no explanation to most of you.

Oh, yeah, we went on a "flight" in the London Eye, too. That was way cool, but my camera ran out of battery, alas. Still, it's easy enough to find aerial shots of London on the Internet.
Okay, all right, I get the hint. I'll start watching "Dr. Who". Just as soon as I finish the first season of Battlestar Galactica.
Oh, you lucky, lucky, thing! I'd love to see that!
If, like me, you love Shakespeare, Dr Who and Catherine Tate (not necessarily in that order) you'll love this:
Yes, Satima, I caught that clip a while back -- hee hee! "Amst I bovvered?" has become a catchphrase in our family!
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