And, for a change, some writing-related news.

This is the cover, by the fabulous Nick Stathopoulous, for Canterbury 2100, a forthcoming anthology in which I have a story! "Forthcoming" means the launch is in October. The book will be available on Amazon, and probably from places like Galaxy in Sydney. (When I know an ISBN I'll post it for you.) (By the way, the cover graphic is snurched by permission of the publisher.)
Moreover, I've gotten word that there may be another production of my short play "The Salad of Success" in Wollongong. Yee-hah! I sure hope that turns out to be the case, even if I'll still be overseas and won't get a chance to see it. (Time and space are such harsh mistresses.)
Woohoo!!!! Yay! HooHooHoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEAAAAHHH!!!!!
Did I overdo it?
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