The Hound of the Geekervilles (woof!)
Today's stop on the Geek's Tour of Britain (and Ireland): The Sherlock Holmes Museum! And yes, YES, it IS at 221B Baker Street!!!!!
We hadn't set out to find it per se, but we did emerge from Baker Street Station to see this:

This was the indication that something was afoot! The keen-eyed Houston soon spotted the sign for the museum, and we picked up its trail with the help of a kind but mysterious concierge in an opulent hotel, who gave us a map inscribed with cryptic directions. Just as we reached the end of Baker Street, there it was! Our footsteps quickened, and we hastened eagerly to the door:

Once inside, a veritable trove of Victoriana and some dashedly clever recreations and depictions of Holmesiana were spread out before us. We trod, marveling, up stairs and from room to room, each completely filled with items mentioned in the Canon:

There was even, preserved carefully under glass, the monogram of Her Majesty that Holmes (in one of his less lucid moments curse the seven percent solution!) had shot in the wall of the study:

How thrilling, to walk in the footsteps of the great Holmes, and his brave and talented companion, the writer-physician Watson! How inspiring was the day, and how it filled me with renewed zeal for my craft: if I can, in some measure, bring joy to readers such as I have gained from the stories of the Great Detective, I shall consider my humble self to be successful far beyond my deserts.
For more information about the Great Detective, his creator, and the geeks who love them both, see
I've really enjoyed reading about your travels and looking at all the photos. Such a shame our times in London clashed. I'm sure we will have that cup of tea some day. Looking forward to seeing what you enjoy in London. One of my favorite places is the British Museum.
Hopefully that's on the schedule for later this week...!
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