Perhaps it was the general atmosphere of the place, or the preponderance of 'unnatural' elements that had plagued this quest, but I was more than a bit anxious as I stepped out onto the upper deck....
I absolutely
love, love, love Victorian adventure fiction. I love science fiction. I love clever mashups. I love satire and self-parody. I love good photography. That's why I am completely enraptured by the steampunk extravaganza
Professor Fumolatro and The Veritas League, put together by my friend Larry and his esteemed colleagues. It's a photo-novel, and it's gorgeous, and complex, and very funny.

The link I've posted takes you to the oldest photos in the Flickr set that comprises the novel. Start at the last one and read forward. A tip from me: while you
must read the photo captions
and the comments to follow the story, don't worry about all the hyperlinks embedded in each entry as you go. You can come back and sweep them up later. Just go with the main story, enjoy it, and only then go back for another look at all the rich layering and world-building they've done.
OMG! These dudes are awesome.
Steampunkery is always good and here in the West we have Wasteland II - the Age of Iron - a whole weekend convention - devoted to it very soon. Yes!
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