Another Clarion buddy's story, and something I really hope I get a chance to see on our upcoming trip
First, the Clarion buddy's story: Lyn Battersby's Lily's Song. I find Lyn's stories very poignant, in a way I never quite manage. I suppose it's good we all write differently! (I certainly don't write like my friend Jasoni, who's a madman of the pen, a madman, I tell you.)
And the thing I really want to see: the San Francisco Cable Car Museum. Really, who wouldn't? The technology is just a step away from steampunk (and, indeed, it was originally steam-driven). It's beautifully straightforward and no-nonsense. It's aesthetically gorgeous, both above ground and under. And it's in San Francisco, one of the best places for writers on the entire planet. Since I'm plugging their establishment, I'm sure they won't mind if I nick a few photos from their site to show you:

It's on the agenda!
The really pretty cable car they have on display (car #1) at the museum is generally reserved for special occasions, like if the mayor wants to get his picture taken on a cable car, etc. That's the car we rode to and from our wedding. Whee!
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