
Script Frenzy sitrep and other business

1. I have enough words. I have enough pages. I have enough scenes, acts, characters, settings. I have a play. The Death of Albatross (first draft) is finished in plenty of time, and with plenty of bulk, for Script Frenzy. Yay! That means in the past seven months, I've completed one novel, drafted another whole novel, written an entire full-length play (my first full-length, by the way), drafted and/or finished a half-dozen stories, and written the lyrics to two songs (Houston did the music). I've also gotten one story actually accepted (set your timers to go off on July 1 so you can head over to AntipodeanSF).

2. I managed to clarify things with my favorite client — they're not winding things down in terms of my editing for them; quite the contrary. A big relief, partly for the money's sake, and partly for the self-esteem factors involved.

3. It's three a.m. (I'm so nocturnal by nature.) Pretty much prime writing time. No wonder I got so much done tonight! It's just like Clarion!

Good night, everybody! (Or good morning. The world is round; it's always morning somewhere.)


At 7:19 AM, Blogger Jean Prouvaire said...

My comment on your last point appears to have disappeared into the ether, but in any case it's become moot with this one.

Congrats on Script Frenzy (you're the second person I know who's hit the 100 pages), not to mention your other writing achievements, and good to hear about the editing gig.

At 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I know why you're so groggy this morning!
Congratulations, Mom!
I'm not sure I could write 100 PAGES! O_o

At 11:03 AM, Blogger Laura E. Goodin said...

Thanks for the congrats, guys! (I'm torn between using today to start catching up on my reading, or to finish a story I've been working on, or to start hacking the bloated flesh from the bones of The Death of Albatross....)


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