
I LOVE stories like this.

The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey has been one of the constant sources of joy and excitement in my life. The first production I saw there (I was 15) was Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac, and — not to be too melodramatic — it changed my life.

The current artistic director, Bonnie Monte, has begun a blog. The entry I read today concerns a young actor who put a video of himself doing a monologue from Hamlet up on YouTube (hero qualifications, point one). As a result of her seeing the video, Monte offered him an audition to STNJ's prestigious apprentice program. He showed up (hero qualifications, point two). He got in. So not only is he a hero, she is, too. (A note to those not from New Jersey: Camden, where this actor comes from, is a serious pit of hell.)

I absolutely LOVE stories like this.

Here's the video:


At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW. That's all that can be said. He also has a lot of guts to post that video on the harsh, uncaring world of youtube.

At 2:56 PM, Blogger Houston Dunleavy said...

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