
A day off writing?

It's 10:30 p.m., and so far today I haven't written a word other than emails, blog comments, and now this blog entry. The night is still young, though. My current streak is 14 days writing without a day off; if I manage to fit in a few hundred words tonight, the streak will extend to 15. I'd like the sense of accomplishment, and the feeling that I'm staying well ahead of the Script Frenzy quota. But also, my brain is turning sulky. Shall I speak sternly to it, or shall I accept that sometimes it just wants a day off and should have one?

As I said, the night is young. I could get in at least two or three hundred words before lights-out.

Edit: I did, in fact, write nearly 600 words tonight. I feel better. Tireder. But better.


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