
When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.

1. The Death of Albatross is going very poorly indeed. I have enough pages to win Script Frenzy, but I can't write a finish that I'm not desperately ashamed of. Today the wordcount actually went backwards, as, in a fit of despair and mortification, I deleted a page and a half. I've spent about six hours staring, typing, deleting, staring, deleting, typing, staring....

2. Some long-term (albeit occasional) contracting gigs seem to be closing down. How will I earn that occasional bit of money that has been quite helpful over the past year? (Anyone out there got any editing to be done? Reasonable rates!)

3. I have a hefty handful of pieces out to various markets, and the editors are not getting back to me. I know it's okay to query, but I can't shake the fear that querying instantly prompts them to move my story from the slush pile to the No Thanks pile. And either way, I'm wracked with suspense and distress.

4. My family and I are currently watching some episodes of Trek Original, and while most of the episodes are memorable, only some are so for positive reasons. At the moment this seems like sufficient cause for a dreadful emotional and existential crisis.

5. I'll be leaving for tonight's karate class soon. It's always a physical and emotional challenge, for a wide variety of reasons. Am I resilient enough to cope tonight?

6. When will it stop bloody raining?

However, I should not let the lack of certainty in my life throw me too hard (not least because it's bad martial practice). The rock-solid certainties — family, friends, a peaceful place to live, the opportunity to write — far outbalance the uncertainties. Determination, persistence — these need to fortify me so that I do not succumb to the compulsion to run in circles, scream and shout.


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