One of my very favorite places in all the world is the archery range on the slopes of Mount Keira in Wollongong. (That's Mount Keira, there in the photo. You can see it very clearly from the archery range in fact, you can't miss it, even if you're a bad archer.) I've been a member of the
archery club there for several years. I absolutely love archery, but it's not something I do as often as I would like to. (Really, when one is prioritizing for life in 2008, being able to shoot an arrow is way, way down the list of necessary life skills and family activities. I suppose, if one is being sensible, one realizes that it's a good thing family life does not necessitate the shooting of arrows these days.)

This morning, though, I had a spare block of time and used it to go shooting. The weather was unbelievably fabulous, I had the entire range to myself, I even improved my shooting over the last time I'd been. Life is good. Archery is good. (You can look at a remarkable collection of archery documents, including some from as far back as the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, at
The Archery Library.)
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