
A window on a mystery

I'm not a rabid fan of television. There are a very few shows I really, really like (Doctor Who is an example), and I enjoy watching history and geography documentaries. In terms of television drama or comedy, there hasn't ever been one that I felt I couldn't live without. But there are people who love television with all their heart and soul. Somewhat surprisingly, this group includes many of the people who write the shows (currently on strike, as you probably know). Me, I always kinda thought they wrote television shows because there weren't enough theatres to produce their plays or something. But no! They love television as a medium, as a cultural and historical repository, as a creative environment!

Read about it on Why We Write. Even if you yourself have little use for television, the pieces are well-written, sometimes hilariously so — and it's always fascinating to listen to someone talk about their passion. (That was one of my favorite things — perhaps the only thing — I really liked about my brief stint as a reporter: encouraging people to talk about what they loved and why. Those are the best stories.) And a little insight into something previously completely obscure (the mind of a television writer) is always a good thing.


At 6:21 AM, Blogger Michelle O'Neil said...

The Writer's Stike has barely registered on our radar at my house.

If we have time for TV at all (besides Dancing With the Stars) We watch movies from the Spiritual Cinema Circle. Have you heard of this where you are?

It is films dedicated to raising consciousness. No gratuitous violence, sex, etc. Great independent films!

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Laura E. Goodin said...

Interesing concept! No, as far as I know it's not here in Australia. (But I'm not into the new-age spirituality scene here, so it may be but I've missed it.)


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