
First Gauntlet II goal completed

For the past week I've been spending six hours (or so) every day revising The Associates. I've been picking and pecking and clawing at it for years now, but I was still able to find language that needed tightening, motivations that needed clarifying, typos that needed cleaning, and inconsistencies that needed sanding and plastering. Or plastering and sanding. I always forget which order those should come in.

I do still need to revise the synopsis and the chapter breakdown, but that's not part of the goal — the goal was to finish revising the manuscript. And, ta-dah, consummatum est.

The bad news is that my wordcount for Mud and Glass is accreting at a geological pace. But I'm hoping I can pick up speed now that I'm not spending six hours (or so) every day on The Associates.

The good news is that, now that I've spent such a concentrated time in its company, I reckon The Associates actually holds up rather well as an adventure novel with some poignant character development and some rollicking action. Oh, gosh! I sure do hope other people think so, too!


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