
"The Salad of Success" continues to be one!

A success, that is. "Salad" has been selected for performance at BUGfest (run by Brisbane Underground) this year! I am thrilled, needless to say. So nice to get external validation of one's work, and so rare.

Its appeal (at least to judges of short-play competitions) flies in the face of the conventional wisdom that only dark, depressing stuff is production-worthy. Me, I can't stand the thought of writing deep, dark works that plumb the sordid depths of the human spirit. I don't enjoy it, and I see no reason why I should join the throngs of people doing it. I'd rather write stuff that makes people think, "I want to do more, I want to have adventures, I want to push myself a little harder."

While there's a place for deep, dark introspection, I don't tend to think it's all that healthy to make it a staple of one's diet. It's too easy to just sit there and mope (ask me how I know), and then what good are you doing anybody?


At 11:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY Laura. Now if I can only ride on her coattails for while...hmmm



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