Well, at least I'm consistent.
I've just procrastinated by doing a bit of data analysis on my sendouts-to-acceptances ratio over the past three years.

- I did better than I thought I would at sending stuff out this year, all things considered. And for the past three years, I've sent out a fairly similar volume of stuff.
- My acceptance rate is also startlingly consistent: somewhere around one in seven of the things I send out ends up being accepted in one way or another (published, performed, accepted for workshopping, etc.).
- Discouraging thought: plugging steadily along is not the same as gaining momentum. Encouraging thought: plugging steadily along is a lot better than giving up. Other encouraging thought: I still have what did I say, eight? pieces out, so the final 2009 acceptance rate may, in fact, go up.
It might be good to do this on a monthly or even weekly basis, no? Imagine the efficiency of knowing exactly the status of your efficiency at any given moment. And you could create many more moments of procrastination that you can justify as being part of your professionalism. And then you could collect all those graphs, make new ones based on them, study those,...
Yes, Luk, yes! Yes, I could! That would be AWESOME! I could spend all that time watching my submission figures go down...and down...and down....
I need to point out the fact that a 1-in-7 hit rate is referred to, technically, as "bloody good". You may remember all those years ago that I thought that 1-in-12 was average....
Bloody good, indeed. I've submitted Walkabout: The History of a Brief Century to over 100 publishers over the years, and it's still not published. That's getting to be predictable, too.
Awesome. I wish more authors posted their stats, as it'd be cool to get an industry benchmark, in my mind. You've done -really- well this year, by the way. Congratulations! Does your chart take into account all the other writerly things, the podcast, your other site, etc? I think you need a chart that does...
I'll be feeding my stats into my wife's brain soon and she'll be spitting out some graphs and such for me.
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