Let's just get a few things sorted out around here.
First, this:
Created by Oatmeal
(Thanks, Jason.)
All right, now we know. I can move on with my life. To this: eight reasons why juggling is good for you (originally spotted via boingboing). You may remember I have a serious love of juggling, both for its own sake and as an aid to creative thinking. Turns out this latter point was not merely my imagination after all (although it may have fortified my imagination)! So you should all take my advice and start juggling things right away. And no, as I have said before, metaphorical juggling does not count. Throw, throw, catch, catch, keep them going like that: a standard three-ball cascade. It's good for you.

Shoot. I was all over the metaphorical juggling.
So now I know what my basic problem is. I have trouble throwing and catching one ball, never mind three!
One hour and forteen minutes here.
Thank goodness, now i know.
Oh Laura, I'm so sorry that you have limited time post-bite.
With the extra time I have, I'll take care of things...it's a different world now and "friendship" simply means a mercy bullet...
Oh, Jason, you truly are a real friend.
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