
Oh, well.

For the first time in the three NaNoWriMos and two Script Frenzys I've done, I am virtually certain that I won't be able to get the required amount of wordage to win by the end of the month.

The good news is, I'm flinging loose ends and red herrings around like a mad thing, and in my experience nothing is better for keeping writing going than a room full of flailing loose ends and rotting red herrings. And it's all mulch, compost, call it what you will, for when I go back and start trying to make sense of this year's book.

The other good news is, it's a lot of words — over 23,000 at this writing. That not only gives me a good base for the book, it is toning up my writing muscles like you wouldn't believe. And, as this year has been a challenge in so many ways, I haven't gotten the wordcount I wanted. It's more than time to build up my somewhat atrophied writing muscles.

Moreover, it's good to be playing a game I love with a lot of cool people — some I know in person, some I don't. There's a group in the forums I will never, ever meet in person, but when I need cheering up or cheering on, they're invariably there. And they always save my favorite chair for me in the virtual coffeehouse. The real-life people, too (hello, my metameta friends!), are cheering me on. And I'm cheering all my writing buddies on in turn — RL or virtual, doesn't matter, they're all cool and I want them all to succeed.

So, while I'd like to win this year, and I may not win this year, I'm still glad I'm doing NaNo.

Do you think I can manage a couple of five- or six-thousand word days in the next week or so?


At 1:14 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Stop worrying and go to work, dammit.

I have 3,000 words done on my nano draft - more than I expected, given the way the novella kicked my ass for the first two thirds of the month - and I still think I can make 50k by November 30th.

At 1:19 PM, Blogger Laura E. Goodin said...

Mm. Point taken.

At 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


C'mon 'Gong Scribbler You can do this!

Pop by the CQ Nano forum, say Hi, be inspired, and check out my Nano Profile (wish they'd find my missing halo... again).


Greg Bray...


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