
You can read a story of mine at Shades of Sentience

Well, this is just cool: the lovely folks at Shades of Sentience have made my story "Loving the Gorgon" the inaugural piece of orginal fiction on their very interesting site. You should check it out! (They've also got a Facebook page, of course!)

In other news, my friend Jason has alerted me to the existence of a free e-book on the secrets of getting and staying motivated as a writer: you can download it here.

And finally, one of the coolest things I've ever seen (I think I found it via Boing Boing): a phone/MP3-player charger that generates the power from the motion of your walking/bike riding/etc.!!!!!!!! You can read about it at the manufacturers' site. I may not be able to afford one until the price comes down a bit, but I still put myself on their mailing list for when it enters actual production. (I can dream, can't I?)


At 3:07 AM, Anonymous Luc Reid said...

Laura, thanks for mentioning the eBook; if you happen to have any comments, I'd be very much interested.

I really enjoyed the gorgon story. It was hard to imagine how it could end in a story-fulfilling but surprising way, but it certainly did. Nicely done!


At 7:48 AM, Blogger Laura E. Goodin said...

Thank you, Luc!


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