A sudden memory
I'm old enough that when I was very young like, first or second grade photocopiers were still way, way too expensive for most schools. Instead, our worksheets were dittoed using a "spirit master." This yielded copies with writing of a mystical purple color, fragrant with the scent of competence: not flowers or incense or Easter-egg dye, but a different purple altogether, brisk and important.
Every time I received one of these dittos, I surreptitiously held it to my face and inhaled. I stared at the writing: alphabet or math worksheets, maps, illustrations to describe. My pencil marks looked crude compared to the purple lines, rich and heavy like watercolor.
Each question or puzzle was one more step towards competence of my own. I was good at worksheets. One day, if I did enough worksheets, I would know everything.

Oh, my. This takes me back. My summer job during college was teaching at a debate institute. When I was first starting out as a teaching assistant, one of my jobs was to run off dittos late into the night, usually in a small closet in the dorm. Needless to say, the aroma of ditto fluid was fairly overwhelming.
Purple copies. Ahh, that mysterious odour of knowledge and alcohol!
I wonder what kind of chemicals were in those purple copies we inhaled?
The picture you've got of a ditto machine in action is totally awesome!
Totally. Awesome.
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