Writin' Rations™
If you're fighting a head cold (as I am), but you don't fancy chewing raw garlic cloves straight (I don't) and you don't have time to make a nice, garlicky chicken soup (not at the moment), one answer for the busy but infirm writer is a nice batch of garlic bread. But don't stop there! When you're mixing up the crushed garlic and the butter, add a vigorous grind of black pepper and a generous spoonful of rosemary. They're both supposed to be goooooood for you, and they taste quite nice combined with butter and garlic.
I am fortunate in that there is a nice little gourmet shop in Thirroul that carries a fabulous ciabatta; if you are not so fortunate, the pane di casa from Baker's Delight is nice for this sort of thing, and even a plain ol' baguette from the supermarket will do (sometimes they're even on special, which makes this a very economical way to introduce truly daunting amounts of fresh garlic into one's system).
While we're on the subject, have any of you ever had garlic ice cream? What was it like? Did you enjoy it? Or was it more interesting in concept than implementation? Inquiring minds want to know!

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