My new enthusiasm

Many, many years ago, I managed to well, not master, exactly, but sort of get the hang of, a basic three-ball cascade. I practiced sporadically. To say the least. Or perhaps to say the most.
I brought my juggling stuff (balls and scarves) to Clarion, because I figured I might want something frivolous to do when the pressure mounted. To my surprise, I found that juggling is a fantastic way to get words and ideas flowing when they feel blocked. Can't explain it. Can't say whether it will work for you. But it worked for me.
I recently found out that Circus Wow* was holding a two-hour juggling workshop, and decided to go; it was this morning. I can't remember when I've felt so just plain good about doing something physical (I think the last time was a fencing workshop about four years ago). Moreover, I know I'm going to be very, very sore tomorrow (I dropped things a lot). But even the constant stooping and reaching following the tell-tale thud feels good, like tai chi. Even "failure" is beneficial, and fun. So there's exercise, and mind-body coordination, and focusing and centering, and collaboration with partners, and silliness, and an endless path of self-challenge and skill. Except for the silliness, it's just like martial arts! (Oh, that, and juggling has nothing to do with hitting people. But I bet I could devise a hybrid art -- juggle-do! Be afraid! And entertained!)
By the way, the photo above is one I took in Christchurch last July. After this morning, I now know the jester is doing contact juggling.
For your juggling-related entertainment, I offer you this video montage of the Flying Karamazov Brothers, whom I was fortunate enough to see live many, many years ago, and who I am thrilled to see are still performing.
Oh! I just found out (because we lovez the intertoobz) that June 20 is World Juggling Day!!!
*Sorry to point you to the splash page of the Circus Wow site instead of the actual home page, but the photo on the splash page is just too, too good to miss.
My little guy saw a juggler a few months back and has since been practicing with twirling plastic coat hangers. He's got quite the "routine."
It makes perfect sense. You can't focus on anything else, you have to be in the moment. It is a form of meditation for sure.
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