
Off to a Script Frenzy write-in

I've done two NaNos, and this is my second Script Frenzy. For the first time, I'm thinking I probably won't win this one. Too many other deadlines, too much else that I'm coping with. I'll give it my best shot, though — today is a Script Frenzy write-in, for example, and I'm hoping that I can surf on the energy of my friends to crank out a significant number of pages. I'm a little irritable about the thought of not winning, but things don't always go the way you planned them. To say the least.

In other news, my friend Rod alerted me to this vitriolic screed against the hoary and much-vaunted Elements of Style by Strunk and White (the original 1918 edition, by Strunk alone, is in the public domain). It's given some important basics to millions of people, and I've never had much of a problem with it. But one Dr. Geoffrey Pullum sure has! (I wonder if he knows there's actually been a musical adaptation.)


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