Earth Hour

I'm looking forward to Earth Hour tonight (8:30 to 9:30, no electricity usage). I intend to spend the time writing by candlelight (and no, the carbon emissions from the candle are nowhere near as bad as those from an incandescent bulb, although the new bulbs are a different thing see this link for the full story). I don't know whether I'll write in my journal, or work on the story I've got a deadline on, or do some preliminary notes for my Script Frenzy opus this year. Probably a mixture of all three. And all on paper, with one of my wonderful fountain pens. (France and Belgium fascinated me for many reasons, of course, but one of those reasons was the widespread availability and usage of fountain pens. Life is good in a country where they appreciate fountain pens. And waffles.)
If you are reading this once your local time zone's Earth Hour has already passed, I'm sure there would be no karmic problem at all for you to just have your own personal Earth Hour on another night.

We got home a bit late for the start of the hour, but we've been working and reading by candlelight for over two hours now, so I guess we made up for it.
Didn't seem to be a big activity in our neighbrhood, though. Lots of lights blazing all through the hour.
I personally think Earth Hour is over-hyped bosh; why can't cities have those lights turned off at least for a while, every single night?!
Candle-light is romantic, albeit dangerous. Maybe I should use it more often. Showering in candle-light makes being alone slightly more romantic...
P.S. Laura, you already have a dedicated fan tracking your every move, even if I haven't read your hard-copy work yet... Mwahahaha! I won't be asking for your autograph on anything though, that would be too creepy even for me!
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