It's nearly that time again

Time for Script Frenzy why not give it a go this year? A hundred pages of script during the month of April is actually quite do-able (far more manageable than, say, 50,000 words of a novel), and the need to convey everything in dialogue sharpens up your story-writing skills no end. Do it as a lark! Do it as a writing exercise! Do it because, like me, you're bloody hopeless without a deadline.
It costs not one red cent. And, strictly speaking, you don't even have to register at the site. I'm registered, though, because more than half the fun is hanging out online with other writers who have a sense of whimsy and adventure. And, just as there are no prizes for winning, there are no penalties for not winning. It's the ultimate in "have a go!"
(Just as an addendum, The Death of Albatross started out as last year's Script Frenzy opus, and look how far that's gone to date!)
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