It's getting warmer as Christmas approaches.
Does that sound odd to you? Thirteen years here, and it still sounds odd to me. But the world is round, and tipped on its axis, and so there are fresh mangoes for Christmas (yay!) and real Christmas trees are very hard to find and quite expensive (boo!).
My grandparents collected Currier & Ives prints. Not sure why, because even the most gushing admirers of the oeuvre would be hard-pressed to call these prints high art. And yet there was a certain evocativeness about some of them. This one, for example:

Far be it from me to idealize snowy winters in the country I spent too many hours trudging with stingingly cold toes through the snow (boots notwithstanding) to do that. But there is a certain sere beauty the mountains acquire when the leaves have fallen; and a winter sunset can glow through the cirrus like gauze-wrapped brass. This print does a pretty good job of capturing such an afternoon.
Miss it?
Oh, yes.
Thirteen years here, and it still sounds odd to me.
Would for me, too; by now, I must have snow and Christmas too firmly associated.
PS/ word verif: repir, a verb in need of some repair.
A hot Christmas is against all laws of God and nature. It's wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. And it's wrong.
Word verification: nosmeter. For measuring one's nosness?
Warmer? Send some down to Mount Gambier, Laura - it struggled up to 13 degrees Celsius here yesterday. Brrr.
But yes, if you were born in a place where Christmas was cold, a hot one takes some getting used to. I emigrated from the north of England to the land of Oz when I was only eight, and until I was in my fifties Christmas just didn't feel like Christmas. But three years back in the northern hemisphere (England and New England) made me miss the BBQs and the tropical fruits and the trips to the beach at Christmastime, and now at last I no longer hanker for snow. It took those years away to make me realise that over the years I've gradually become Australian.
But it took a long time! Forty-five Christmasses of missing the cold before I realised that I prefer the heat!
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