
First-aid exam

Instead of writing today, I'm studying for my first-aid exam (as a State Emergency Service volunteer, I'm required to carry current first-aid certification). I also spent an hour and a half at the karate school, trying hard to learn as much as I can before I go to Writers' Prison, so I can practice while I'm there and not be too far behind when I come back.

Today was not an authorially bereft day, though: I had a debrief meeting with the producer of Foul Play in Dapto. She repeated the positive feedback from the actors, and dropped hints about being interested in working with me again. So you could say I haven't completely forsaken the writing life today.

Moreover, as I've commented before, nothing is wasted for the writer. Who knows when one of my characters will need to manage a puncture wound, or be forced to fight their way out of trouble? I need to KNOW these things.


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