Margaret's Big Debut
Last night was my daughter Margaret's first big performance as an actor. (She'd had one line and a few spear-carrying appearances in a show a few months ago.) She did excellently: you could hear and understand every word she said, she was able to express a wide range of emotions, and she could cover for other kids who were less confident in their lines or blocking. And she has a very nice singing voice.
I wish I could claim some sort of genetic credit for her success, but alas! acting is not what I'm good at, and it is something Houston (her dad) is very good at indeed. Clearly, I was only a vessel....
I can only agree as objectively as possible. We may have given birth to another actor: she has the ability to use the same body posture to express more than one idea. She instinctively understands the idea of subtext in areas other than the spoken word - a very hard things to do.
She's a smart actor who gets the meaning of the words under her belt so that she can get that out of the way and concentrate on making the character work in a physical way.
I was very proud of her.
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