
Full circle

Now here's something rather eerily interesting: my husband was doing a bit of surfing and found out that the lineage of the Clarion idea goes back, back to something called the Milford Writer's Workshop. Milford, as in where my mom lives. Milford, the one place in America I know as well as I know Washington, DC -- maybe better, because I have spent far more time there recently than in DC. Beautiful Milford, of rivers, streams, and wild woods (really wild: black bears just wander across the road at will).

It's nice karma, really. I've known that Milford has had a reputation as a bit of an artist's colony (and to be sure, both Houston and I have found it very conducive to reflective thought and creativity), but apparently over the years it's been home to many famous authors -- speculative fiction being only one of the genres represented.


At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So your Wikipedia entry on Milford mentions this:

Milford was the home of noted forester and conservationalist Gifford Pinchot.

And Pinchot is yet another of those writers (along with Wayne Booth, whom you asked me about some weeks ago) I was required to read in college (although for my other major field).

Not that it matters, but heck, this is a blog comment. You were expecting something important?

At 10:04 PM, Blogger Laura E. Goodin said...

Up in Milford, they don't seem to talk much about Pinchot the writer. They talk plenty about Pinchot the forester and politician. And his big ol' house is heaps cool (at least from the outside).

At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

His writing was about forestry, or perhaps more about ecology/conservation. And now you're giving me doubts. Maybe I didn't read his writing, but just about him.

So long ago....


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