
My latest heroes

I've been riveted to the television recently for Operatunity Oz (which, for those non-Australians reading this, is "Idol Meets Opera", only much, much more interesting and less...well, there is much less pandering to the schadenfreude of the masses hanging out for the judges' insults and bullying). The show has captured my intense interest largely because it is about the same things that much of my writing is about: the miraculous transformations that happen when people acknowledge the power they carry within them.

I'm fascinated by the human gift to wield almost unimaginable power -- to inspire, to accomplish, to fight evil, to enable and ennoble themselves and the people around them. Whenever someone stands before the multitudes in astonishment at their own sudden blaze of strength and courage and skill, that is a holy moment.

Sure, "it's just opera". But an artist's job is not just to experience these holy moments, but to beckon to everyone else to come along. "I have found power within me. Can you? Let's go, let's find out!"


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