A new show in rehearsal, and a bit at the Vault Cabaret

Yes, our exciting new show, Comets and Chocolates, is in rehearsals! It stars the multi-talented Greg Shand, and has gorgeous music by Houston Dunleavy and words by me. As we're part of this year's Sydney Fringe, the show also has a Fringe page. Details are coming really soon about performance dates and venue, so quick "like" the Facebook page so you don't miss out on any info!
Secondly, on June 15 I'll be performing a new piece of flash fiction at the Vault Cabaret. I'm really looking forward to this, as it's always a terrific, fun night, and I consider it a great privilege to be part of it.

Point of honor: I grabbed some sound effects from Freesfx, and their agreement is that I acknowledge them as the source. Because there is no program and no opportunity to acknowledge them during the show, this is my compliance with the agreement. Thanks, Freesfx!