

Early this year, I wrote of some plans for beefing up my ability to effectively read/perform my writing:
I have a three-pronged attack strategy for this: read my stuff out loud to an audience at least four times this year, after having deliberately prepared and rehearsed; memorize a particular prose poem of mine that I (and others, I'm told) like, and prepare it for performance at a slam or slam-like event; and get some acting training.
Here's how it went.

I did read my stuff out loud to an audience. I'm trying to remember exactly how many times. At least two for certain, as there were two performances of Passione Apassionata, a piece conceived by Bernard Leon consisting of staged Handel arias interspersed with some of my poems. It was a really fun piece, and my poems were well received, which was both a tremendous relief and very gratifying. I may have read on other occasions, but I honestly don't remember right now, as I'm still full of last night's Christmas dinner and feeling a distinct lack of motivation to do things like work hard to remember.

I did not memorize the prose poem. Perhaps I will this year. If it lasts for two minutes or so, I may use it to compete in a slam. (I'll be running a slam later this year, as far as I can plan things now, but you shouldn't compete in your own slam. Maybe I'll volunteer to be the sacrificial poet.)

I didn't get formal acting training, but I've now sat through hour after hour after hour of rehearsals for The Death of Albatross, and there are hours more to come. I learned a lot by watching the wholly impressive Chris Beckey direct the show, which is almost like getting training.

Not bad, overall. More yet to do.


Adventures In Poetry!

I'm very happy and honored to tell you I've been selected as one of Australian Poetry's Cafe Poets for the first half of 2012! The object of the game is to get poetry out of the garret and into the marketplace. Specifically, in this case, a bold band of poets disperses to the cafes of their choice (and which have agreed to be part of the program). The poets sit and drink tea (or coffee, I suppose) and work on their poetry projects, and the cafe people bring them the tea (or coffee) gratis, in return for the Good Artistic Vibes and the fact that the poet will be working with the cafe to run poetry-related events during their tenure (thus, presumably, increasing the cafe's custom). Moreover, the poet seeks publicity for the endeavor, further promoting the cafe, the poet, Australian Poetry, and poetry in general. Win-win-win-win-win!

My venue will be Yours and Owls, at 95a Crown Street in Wollongong (across from the Town Hall). I have yet to work out the specifics of when I'll be at my post, and of what poetry events I'll be coordinating (and when they'll be). But stay tuned! If you're in Wollongong, or even Sydney, come and write with me! Or read at one of the readings I'll be setting up! Or compete in one of the slams! Or just keep reading this blog as I periodically share my experiences! Or just use more exclamation points — the world needs more enthusiasm!



The Albatross lives again!

Last night was the first rehearsal for the Wollongong season of The Death of Albatross. A couple of new actors have joined the cast, so there's new energy, new ideas, and new insights. There are the usual stress-monsters that plague all playwrights (Do the actors still like the script, or is it getting boring for them? Will they get my ideas across to the audience? Should I change that line?) and producers (Do we have rehearsal space? How will we advertise? What happens if someone drops out?), and the fact that I'm filling both those roles means the stress is squared — but so is the glory! The glory, my friends!

I'm really excited about the Wollongong season. For one thing, we'll be in the Phoenix Theatre, which is a terrific space with great karma (as it's been pulled back from dereliction by the amazingly dedicated and resourceful Steen as a center of artistic energy for the Wollongong area). For another, it's such a kick that the director and actors all want to revisit the show, and think it's worth doing again. And third, because we're in our hometown, we'll hopefully be able to fill the house for three weekends with friends, relatives, co-workers, and hapless bystanders. If you'd like to keep up with all the Albatross news, you can "like" the show's Facebook page. Hope to see you on the page and at the show!

The short operas and poetry performances the other weekend went very well, by the way. We're always looking for opportunities to get them performed again, so if you hear of any short-opera festivals or venues for a quirky and fabulous hour of Baroque melodrama and modern poetry, please don't hesitate to let me know!
