Every once in a while, I see something that brings my always-simmering longing to be a character in an adventure novel up to a full, rolling, spitting boil. Here's today's: a fencing salle (that's French for dojo*) in the Loire valley. (It's part of a fencing museum.)
Can you not just see yourself taking one last lesson here with your scarred, demanding, yet kindly fencing master, just before you board a steamship to somewhere exotic where you will doubtless require all your hard-won sword-fighting skills in single combat against unsavory and dishonorable types**?

By the way, does it look to you like this woman is seriously about to fence wearing heels???
*Actually, it's French for "room," but in this context it's essentially equivalent to "dojo."
**"Type" (pronounced "teep") is French for "some guy." I don't know French well enough to know whether the slang is, in itself, derogatory (substitute "clown" for "type" in this case) or whether it's just casual (substitute "guy" or "bloke" for "type").
*senses a swash-buckling steampunk adventure that Laura should write*
word ver.: Crypeak, the villian of the piece!
I like that, Colleen. "Crypeak." Sounds very Gormenghastian.
You mean you usually fence in flats?
The corset might be a problem too.
Hm. Good point. *makes mental note: ditch the corset before the next fencing lesson -- this could make all the difference*
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